Since 1990 links between the University of Rostov and high schools have constantly been growing, and the so called "University-School Complex" has been functioning. It includes all the main faculties, the departments of Pedagogics and Psychology, 12 high schools, and Law and Economics Lycees which were created under the university auspices.
Postgraduate studies constitute an important pan of the teaching. Such forms of academic activities as "aspirantura" and "soiskatelstvo" (training research and postgraduate students for Candidate's Degrees), "doktorantura" (training Candidates of Arts and Science for Doctor's Degrees), and work on probation are supervised by the Postgraduate Studies Department. Rostov State University's scientific achievements are testified by the fact that many specialized scientific boards operate within it, 8 of which are qualified to award applicants. with Candidate's degrees and 6 with Doctor's degrees.
Another element of the university's structure is the Institute for Retraining and Developing Professional Standards of Teachers in Humanities and Social Sciences where several educaitonal, research, humanitarian and cultural programmes are presently effected and where persons with university degrees are also trained and retrained for such professions as "State and Municipal Management", "Social Worker and Lawyer", and "Journalist, Editor, Translator, and Advertizing and Publishing Manager".
Another important unit within the university's structure is the Research Library. Its holding totals more than two million volumes, 155 thousand of them being in European languages. No less than 70-90 thousand new books and other editions are annually acquired by the library. An automatic librarian bibliographical information search system based on the programme "MARK" and compatible with the ones used by foreign libraries has been compiled since 1991.
But the key role within the university naturally belongs to the faculties.