Dear Mr. Akonov,

           The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number), as you may know, is the internationally standardised identifier for serials on any medium. The definition of a serial publication, according to the ISO 3297 Standard (ISSN), is as follows: "a publication, in any medium, issued in successive parts, usually having numerical or chronological designations and intended to be continued indefinitely."
Thus, ISSN is a fundamental tool for document delivery. It provides a useful and economical method of communication between publishers and suppliers. In libraries, the ISSN is used for identifying titles, ordering and checking in, claiming serials, interlibrary-loan, union-catalogue reporting, etc. The ISSN is also used for accurate citing of serials by scholars, researchers, information scientists...
As soon as registered, the assigned ISSN and other identifying elements are recorded in an international data base, the ISSN Register. The online version of ISSN Register is available at: and contains more than 1,000,000 records.
Please note that the ISSN assignment is free of charge.
So, I am pleased to inform you that your online serial has been registered as follows:

ISSN 1609-9214
Key title: Rostovskaja elektronnaja gazeta
Abbreviated key title: Rostov. elektronn. gaz.

Please note that the ISO standard on ISSN recommends to enter the number preceded by the letters ISSN on the title screen.
The assigned ISSN is valid as long as the title of the serial remains unchanged. Please inform us of any title changes so that a new ISSN can be assigned.
Furthermore, I would like to draw your attention on the fact that different ISSN have to be assigned to the different editions of a serial published on different media (printed text, online, CD-ROM,...).
Thus, an electronic application form is available on our web site (at:, heading: "Requesting an ISSN for a serial publication (application form)".
If you have any further questions about ISSN, please do not hesitate to visit our web site or to contact us...
Thanking you for your cooperation, I remain.

Yours sincerely,

Alain Roucolle (Mr.)
Centre International de l'ISSN
20, rue Bachaumont
75002 PARIS
Fax 33 (1) 40 26 32 43

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